Friday, April 22, 2016

Between the World and Me

It was the unveiling of Maureen's new home, a beautiful condo in a scenic location and a wonderful setting for the evening.  Thank you for hosting last night, Maureen.

The messages of Between the World and Me were bleak and discouraging but here's a more playful Ta-Nehisi Coates writing something completely different: The Return of the Black Panther
Next month (Thursday, May 26th) book club will be at my place to talk about A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore.

We looked ahead last night to choose dates and books for the summer months.  On June 30th we'll be at Saara's and the book will be The Hero's Walk by Anita Rau Badami

On July 21st we'll be at Wanda's and the book will be Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey.  

And on August 18th the book club will be at Jane's, with the book to be determined later on. 

Books mentioned last night:
In advance of next month's discussion, here's Lorrie Moore speaking about A Gate at the Stairs.