Thursday, March 19, 2015

All My Puny Sorrows

The book was quite a conversation starter.  Was it because of our sensitivity to the book, or maybe because we were sitting around the kitchen table, that our talk was about topics both personal and universal?  Thank you to Jo for arranging another wonderful book club evening.

The next will be on April 16th at Lynda's place.  The book for this evening is A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal.

Canada Reads 2015 is over now; today was the last day.  With Wab Kinew as the new host, and an articulate and passionate panel it's worth a listen, and even better to watch.  If you missed it you can watch or listen online here.

We didn't get to books of interest last night, but since my daytime book club is in the process of accumulating book suggestions for next year here are some to consider: