Friday, February 22, 2013


Thanks again to Jane for hosting our group so graciously.  It's always a pleasure to get together. 
We didn't know when we chose to read February in February that it would be the winner of the Canada Reads contest this month too.

Here's Lisa Moore talking about her win on Q.

And the same week, 31 years after the Ocean Ranger disaster Canada was horrified to learn of another capsizing with the loss of 5 young lives. 

Other books that were mentioned last night:
I forgot to mention a book that I heard Matt Galloway rave about on Metro Morning.  Since he also raved about Let the Great World Spin at an earlier time it might be worth looking up this book.
Other topics of the evening included 4.48 Psychosis that Jo saw at Canadian Stage Berkeley Street Theatre.  There's more about this play by Sarah Kane here.

Below is Jill Bolte Taylor's Ted talk.

There were some requests to be re-connected with Sue's blog, For Family and Friends.

And finally, here's a video interview of Liz Maloney.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique remains scarily current

I found this to be an interesting article on the state of feminism, and the precariousness of women's gains!