Saturday, October 23, 2021

Backyard Book Club

What a special occasion it was when we could meet in real life after resorting to zoom for so long. Jo's backyard room was the perfect location complete with twinkling lights. I appreciated the effort Wanda took to allow me to be there virtually even though zoom filtered out speakers' voices very often, forcing me to guess what was going on. I hope the important things filtered through. Let me know if I've got it wrong. We were meeting to discuss Five Little Indians, and the difficult topic of residential schools. The novel was very real and sympathetic in the telling.  

We plan to meet on Wednesday November 17 at 1 pm to talk about Greenwood by Michael Christie.  The meeting will be at Jan's condo, details to follow. 


Jan recommends Hot Docs - Reading the 60s, Writing the Revolution

Here's Michael Christie talking about Greenwood.