Friday, November 27, 2020

The Tenth Muse

 “I couldn’t help but wonder why so many intelligent men aren’t more embarrassed to speak on topics they know nothing about, or why anyone would listen to an economist on such a matter in the first place. How are they so sure of themselves, and why are so many people so eager to listen? I’ve always wished I had the confidence to speak with half the conviction on subjects I’m actually competent to discuss.”
Catherine Chung, The Tenth Muse

The themes of this book definitely struck some chords with our group. It was a good choice.

We made some other choices last night, and a few changes of note. We chose a date for our next zoom book club - Wednesday, December 16th. We will meet at our usual time and the book will be Hamnet and Judith by Maggie O'Farrell.

As we approached 2021 we had planned to start in January with The Pull of the Stars, but it has proved difficult to find, so we will read Someone by Alice McDermott  We also changed the time of our meeting to 2 pm. The date will be Wednesday, January 13. 

Then we will get to The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue at 2 pm on Wednesday, February 17th.  

On Wednesday, March 17th we will talk about Five Wives by Joan Thomas and on Wednesday, April 14 the book will be Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout.  We will decide in February whether we want to stay with 2 pm or go back to evening meetings. 

Books we noted:

  • Someone by Alice McDermott 
  • Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout
  • Five Wives by Joan Thomas
  • The Student by Cary Fagan
  • The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See