Sunday, October 6, 2019

Madame Victoria

There were only positive reactions to the stories in Madame Victoria. You could say that the themes resonated with us even if the meaning of some recurring motifs was a mystery. Possibly, in view of the unresolved nature of Madame Victoria’s death, the ambiguity was intentional?

We met at Saara's home since Maureen was away.  Sincere thanks to Saara for providing us with such a relaxing and pleasant evening after switching with Maureen. 

Although there were a few people missing, we had no choice but to make some (tentative) plans for the next few months. After some back-and-forth it now seems that our next book club will be on Tuesday, November 5th. The book in November will be Autumn by Ali Smith.

On Thursday, December 5th we plan to meet at Wanda's to talk about The Blackwater Lightship by Colm Tóibín.
Please note that these dates are not confirmed.  If anyone would like to suggest a change, please do so in a group email and if necessary I'll edit this posting.  

Other Books: 
