Friday, March 22, 2019

March and the lonely hearts hotel

"All children are really orphans. At heart, a child has nothing to do with its parents, its background, its last name, its gender, its family trade. It is a brand-new person, and it is born with the only legacy that each individual inherits when they open their eyes in this world: the inalienable right to be free."
Heather O'Neill has an exceptional sensibility and voice. Her book provoked some lively conversation. Thank you to Wanda for hosting. It was such a pleasant evening.

To learn more about the history of Montreal, Maureen recommended reading a book by William Weintraub. I think the title is City Unique: Montreal Days and Nights in the 1940s and '50s.

We are heading to Saara's next month to talk about Less by Andrew Sean Greer. The date is April 25th which is another Thursday.  In the video below Andrew Sean Greer talks about his book.

Books that we mentioned:  

 And in film: 
